Thursday, September 3, 2015

Motivation Poster

   The requirements of this post are two text layers, one with my manifesto, and another with my personal quotes. I also have to have  four image layers, my three symbolic images that symbolize me, and one portrait of me. One of my design requirements is kerning. Both text layers need to fill the whole page. Some more design requirements are triadic color scheme, visual balance, blending option, and adjustment layers.

     For my motivational poster I first had to upload my three symbolic images to photoshop. Then I had to copy and paste my personal manifesto,  and personal quotes. After that, I had to organize my images so that they fit the box. When that was over, I kerned the text so that it fit the box as well. Finally, I colored the text and my image layers. That is how I did it.

     In conclusion, my biggest challenge was time. I had a hard time with finishing it all in time for the deadline. How I improved was, I worked on my motivational poster as much as I could. I worked my very hardest to do the best I could. Always work hard to improve, because if you work hard, you can always get better!

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