Thursday, January 14, 2016

2016 Aspirations

Hi everyone! Happy new year! I hope you had a great winter break, a awesome Christmas
, and an fantastic, firework filled New Year! Here are some of my goals for the new year.

One of my goals for the new year is to be more organized. If you know me, you know that I am not very organized! Another goal of mine is to be the best person I can be. I want to be more helpful and positive all the time so people around me will be the same. One other goal is to keep getting strait A's and work as hard as I can to get them. I also want to make a lot of new friends for the new year! I want to have new friends so I can meet new people, and that can help me and other people be more happy. I also want be even more happy than I already am, so more people around me will be happy too! New Year, New Me!

The most important goal to me is to be more organized. As I said I am not organized. But, I want to change. A lot of times I forget things, or lose things, but if I am more organized, I can stop that. I can get things done faster and more efficiently. My things will be neater, and I will try to be a lot less forgetful. Since I will get things done neatly and faster, I will be more happy, one of my other goals. My supplies for school, and other things will be neat and each have its own place,so I can find everything easier, faster, and better. I can get more things done in time, and I won't take as much time to do, or find things if everything is where its supposed to be. I will do my homework earlier, and better, when I know where things are.

To fulfill my goals, I will try very hard. I will work as hard and as best as I can to make sure I complete my goals. I will make sure I am doing thing right and to my best ability. I will strive for success and do what ever I can to complete my goals. To be more organized I will make my things neat, try to be less forgetful, and write things that I need to do down on a piece of paper. To be more happy all the time, I will be positive and optimistic, and make other people happy too. To keep getting strait A's I will study even more than I already do, and work even harder. And to make more friends I will approach people I don't know and be friendly.

Happy New Year everyone!!!! Thats all for now. Bye!